1st International Workshop on Multimedia Computing for Urban Data

1st International Workshop on Multimedia Computing for Urban Data

In Conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2021

20 October 2021 at 14:00-18:00 (GMT+8)

Chengdu, China (online event)

Understanding complex processes that give cities their form traditionally relied primarily on the analysis of various open data statistics in relation to e.g. neighbourhood demographics, economy and mobility. However, recent years have seen an unprecedented increase in the availability and use of city-related sensors, participatory data and social multimedia. As the valuable information about urban challenges is usually encoded across multiple modalities, such as visual (e.g. panoramic, satellite and user-contributed images), text (e.g. social media and participatory data) and open data statistics, extracting this information requires effective multimedia analysis tools. This Workshop will showcase the power of multimedia computing in addressing various urban challenges, ranging from event detection and analysis, location recommendation and crowdedness estimation to more efficient handling of citizen reports and modelling and improving city liveability. In addition, it will serve as an impulse for the multimedia community to intensify research on these interesting, challenging and truly multimodal problems.

Scope and topics of the workshop

The workshop welcomes a wide range of multimedia computing topics including, but not limited to:
  • Urban event detection and analysis
  • Crowdedness estimation
  • Real-time asset monitoring
  • Efficient handling of citizen reports
  • Modelling and improving city liveability
  • Urban object detection
  • Crowd-mapping
  • Developing advanced, highly accurate and safe high definition maps for self-driving vehicles
  • Location recommendation and virtual city exploration
  • Making sense of weak signals for emerging event detection and planning (related to e.g. food security, health epidemic and financial crisis)
  • Using urban data in planning for future smart and green cities
  • Mobile crowdsourcing, urban awareness, and collective action
  • Automatic mapping of footpath accessibility
  • Urban data analytics for sustainability assessment
The workshop will showcase enormous richness of urban multimedia data, including structured, heterogeneous and time series data, city's basic demographic and infrastructure data, supply chain data, open data (covering e.g. economic, health and crime statistics), participatory data and social multimedia signals.

Paper Submission Guidelines

The workshop invites two types of submissions in standard ACM MM 2021 format:
  • Research papers of varying length from 6 to 8 pages, plus additional pages for the reference pages. The reference page(s) are not counted towards the page limit of 6 to 8 pages.
  • Demo papers, which can be 2 pages long (excluding references), with the exception that the papers need not be blind.
  • After signing in the ACM MM 2021 submission site as the author, please choose our workshop name to submit the paper.

Important Dates

Please note that all submission deadlines are at 23:59 on the given date according to Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone.
  • Workshop paper submission: 25 July 2021 1 August 2021
  • Notification of acceptance: 26 August 2021
  • Camera-ready paper submission: 31 August 2021


GMT+8 Zone UrbanMM’21 Agenda
14:00-14:10 Welcome and Introduction
14:10-15:00 Session: Keynote
  • The New Urban Success: How Culture Pays
    Daniele Quercia (Nokia Bell Labs Cambridge and King’s College London)
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-16:35 Session: Paper Presentations
  • Zurich Like New: Analyzing Open Urban Multimodal Data
    Marcel Granero Moya (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne),
    Thanh-Trung Phan (Idiap Research Institute),
    Daniel Gatica-Perez (Idiap Research Institute & École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
  • MBDF-Net: Multi-Branch Deep Fusion Network for 3D Object Detection
    Xun Tan, Xingyu Chen, Guowei Zhang (Xi’an Jiaotong University),
    Jishiyu Ding (the Second Academy of CASIC),
    Xuguang Lan (Xi’an Jiaotong University)
  • UrbanAccess: Query Driven Urban Analytics Platform for Detecting Complex Accessibility Event Patterns using Tactile Surfaces
    Dhaval Salwala (National University of Ireland Galway),
    Piyush Yadav (National University of Ireland Galway),
    Venkatesh G. Munirathnam, Suzanne Little, Noel E. O’Connor (Dublin City University),
    Edward Curry (Maynooth University)
  • Urban Footpath Image Dataset to Assess Pedestrian Mobility
    Venkatesh G M (Dublin City University),
    Bianca Pereira (National University of Ireland),
    Suzanne Little (Dublin City University)
16:35-16:50 Break
16:50-17:50 Session: Panel
  • How Multimedia Computing Can Help Improve the Quality of Life in Cities
17:50-18:00 Closing Remarks

Please keep in mind that the session times are according to GMT+8 (Chengdu) time zone. Table below shows the workshop start time in the time zones of UrbanMM'21 authors and organisers.


Daniele Quercia
Daniele Quercia
(Nokia Bell Labs Cambridge and King’s College London)

The New Urban Success: How Culture Pays

Urban economists have put forward the idea that cities that are culturally interesting tend to attract “the creative class” and, as a result, end up being economically successful. Yet it is still unclear how economic and cultural dynamics mutually influence each other. For the first time, we operationalize a neighborhood's cultural capital in terms of the cultural interests that pictures geo-referenced in the neighborhood tend to express. This is made possible by the mining of what users of the photo-sharing site of Flickr have posted in the cities of London and New York over 5 years. We find that the combination of cultural capital and economic capital is indeed indicative of neighborhood growth in terms of house prices and improvements of socio-economic conditions. Culture pays, but only up to a point as it comes with one of the most vexing urban challenges: that of gentrification. Interactive maps of the two cities, publication, and datasets are available under:


Stevan Rudinac (UvA, NL)

Stevan Rudinac
(UvA, NL)

Alessandro Bozzon (TU Delft, NL)

Alessandro Bozzon
(TU Delft, NL)

Tat-Seng Chua (NUS, SG)

Tat-Seng Chua

Suzanne Little (DCU, IE)

Suzanne Little

Daniel Gatica-Perez (Idiap-EPFL, CH)

Daniel Gatica-Perez
(Idiap-EPFL, CH)

Kiyoharu Aizawa (UTokyo, JP)

Kiyoharu Aizawa
(UTokyo, JP)